CaliOrBust: AI for interview prep.
Ever wanted a Cali co-op? Well, now you can! With our new web app and voice assistant, you can practice, Cali-or-Bust, and bust again!!
CaliOrBust was my team’s submission to the TOHacks 2019 hackathon. I am honoured to say we won the Voiceflow sponsor challenge.
Read more below, and take a look at our DevPost and Github
With a world driven by keyword detection in resumes in order to get to the recruiter’s desk and interviews being more data driven than ever, CaliOrBust provides a platform for students to be on an even playing field and maximize their hiring potential.
With the toolkit of Microsoft Azure’s suite of web apps, blob storage, and cognitive services driving the force behind our backend in NodeJS and AngularJS, we are able to deliver a seamless chatbot user interface for students to prep on technical assessments. CaliOrBust ingests a resume uploaded by the user, parses the file for context specific questions, both programming specific based on the languages defined in their resume, and technical questions catered towards the specificities of their resume. Our smartbot mimics a real life technical assessment, maximizing value for the user.
Using Voiceflow to build a rapidly deployable and scalable voice application, we are able to provide an organic environment driven by Microsoft Azure’s cognitive AI sentiment analysis and keyword detection, we are able to quantitatively derive a score based on the performance of the end users behavioural assessment. Users are given real time feedback based on a context specific score from their oral responses to CaliOrBust‘s voice application.
Voice interaction screenshot Voice interaction screenshot Backend Voiceflow flowchart Web interface home page Example of technical questions