LCD Inverter Add-On

A micro-board add-on to an LCD screen inverter to allow for MoBo-less control.

A small (30mm x 10mm) PCB designed to be placed on top of a specific laptop LCD inverter board. This board is designed to fit within the footprint of the existing connector and ground screw pad. The board layout and schematic can be modified to fit other inverter models.

By using this design, one can reuse a laptop backlight for other purposes without needing the original computer’s motherboard. The board facilitates dimming and on/off functionality. Backlights can be used for cheap lighting, or for tracing images between pages.

EAGLE schematic and board layout can be found below, Arduino code as well.


  • 2x 6×3.5mm tact switches
  • 1x 0603 capacitor 10uF or 100uF
  • 1x 0805 resistor 10k
  • 1x AtTiny13a or AtTiny45/85 etc.
  • 1x SOT89 linear regulator 5V such as 78L05F


EAGLE Schematic: LCDInverterSCH-Rev1

EAGLE Board: LCDInverterBRD-Rev1

Board PCB: LCDInverterPCB-Rev1

Code: LCDInverterCode-Rev1